
Can 1% improvement really make that much difference?

Can 1% improvement really make that much difference?

So, are you ready to crush your goals, ignite your inner fire, and become the champion of your own story? Don’t miss this blog where we'll dive deep into the 1% rule and how it can change your life. Get ready for an epic transformation!
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Prioritise Self-Care This Easter

Self-care is a buzzword that's been floating around for a while, but it's not just a trendy phrase. It's an essential part of maintaining good physical, emotional, and mental health.
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Struggling to sleep in the Summer?

Struggling to sleep in the Summer?

It’s actually really very common that, as a population, we struggle to sleep in the summer. I don’t know about you, but these long days play havoc with my sleep pattern, and I end up feeling like I’ve not had enough sleep. One thing that I find really helps is being on top of my bedtime routine, because when the sun comes up, it wakes me up. So in order to counteracts that, I have to work backwards from about 5:30/6am, and decide what time I need to be asleep in order to get my 7-9 hours sleep in. Something else...

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So What Is Aromatherapy?

So What Is Aromatherapy?

As it's aromatherapy week; it seems like a good time to talk a little about aromatherapy, what it is and how it can help you. Aromatherapy is a practice that uses natural plant extracts in the form essential oils to promote holistic healing. It can be used to enhance both physical and mental health. How do essential oils effect the limbic system? Essential oils are thought to have therapeutic effects by stimulating the olfactory system, which is connected to the limbic system in the brain—the part of the brain which controls functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, memory, stress...

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My story and the beginning of The Little Self Care Club

My story and the beginning of The Little Self Care Club

In 2013, I had a friend betray me. In doing so, she tugged on every heart string as she did it. She told a series of lies about her own life that led me to open up about my experience of my step dad having cancer, which he thankfully survived. I delved into a place in my brain that I had shut off for 4/5 years - it really hurt. What hurt further was that this “friend” was telling a series of other lies, some of which involving me, to our work colleagues.  This led to a work environment that...

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